Episode 74
What is Hemppening? Economics, Cultures & Ecosystems, Fueled by Hemp?
Feed, Clothe, and Shelter 108 Million People on Earth with Cannabis Hemp ~ for the greater GOOD of ALL. That's the vision.
I want to see as many people as possible living in hemp homes and eating healthy hemp foods and wearing comfortable and dialed-in hemp clothing.
Let's finally get FOOD, SHELTER & CLOTHING - the 3 basic needs beyond Oxygen, (Prana) Water, and LOVE ~ and we can do this with HEMP!
So it's been my (Tyler Hemp's) vision to see hemp inspire, fuel, and adorn my friends, family, customers, and human family with this miraculous PLANT & the wisdom it carries and delivers for our WHOLENESS & Wealth and Well-being.
Join me on this Hempisode and expand your awareness on the topic of HEMP & EVERYTHING!
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